Thursday, October 26, 2006

The Written Word

I apologize for the horrible unhilariousness of the following post...

So I'm on this reading kick lately. I don't know if it's because the weather is turning crappy and going outside becomes less pleasant, or maybe it's due to my recent discussions about subjects that interest me (thanks Chris) or perhaps it's those ancient Chinese "smartener" pills I've been taking.

Either way, I've got my work cut out for me. I got four new books that I plan on starting (three of which came just today).

1.The Selfish Gene - Richard Dawkins

2.The God Delusion - Richard Dawkins

3.Why Darwin Matters - Michael Shermer

4. Why I am Not a Christian - Bertrand Russell

I've already started the Russell one but it is a series of essays and articles so it will be easy to go away from it and come back later.

I've also recently finished Why People Believe Weird Things by Michael Shermer. Shermer is a great figure in the skeptical and scientific community and a decent writer. I was a bit disappointed by the book though. It started with a good section on "How Thinking Goes Wrong" but then moves away from WHY people believe weird things and into WHAT weird things people believe and how they are wrong. It was a very broad subject and he wasn't able to go very deep into each of the "weird things" that he covered (alien encounters, Ayn Rand objectivism, creationism, holocaust deniers etc.)

Has anyone read any of these? Any thoughts? Which should I start with? What other books might be good to read (Chris, if you say the bible I'm gonna throw a hacky sack at you.) I'd be more than willing to loan one or more out and discuss them when each of us is done. Any takers... I'll need you to leave a major credit card to cover the cost of the lost book... and a couple lunches for me.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Dorks of the world...UNITE

That's right folks, it's Monday night and that could only mean one thing... No, not the weekly D&D get together in my mom's basement... not glee club practice... not 6 hours of painting gundam models... not even a roll-playing video game marathon.

No, tonight ladies and gentlemen, is Risk night and the hobotown residence. I know you're thinking "Whoa, Risk is super fun AND awesome! That sounds really neat-o!" Well my friend, you'd be right. It will be an epic battle as either Scott, Jamie or I try desperately to conquer the known world. We'll have to use our keen abilities to out-whit, out-smart, and... dare I say... out-last our opponents.

PS... no girls allowed

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Songs at My Funeral - a chain letter dies

First, chain letters are a complete and utter waste of time...

That being said, he's is my contribution to one which I received. Let me start by saying a few things because my intense hatred for chain letters must be acknowledged before I am morally able to continue this post. I am only posting this for a few reasons.

1. Kara is a nag and forced me to.
2. It's a post about music.
3. It doesn't claim to have supernatural powers over my future financial or love life like most chain letters do.
4. I will not be forwarding this on to anyone.
5. This chain letter was originally called a meme, which is a horrible misuse of the word. Re posting this lets me point out when someone else is wrong and I enjoy that. (Don't judge me... you like pointing it out too)
6. No one reads my blog anyway, so I'm talking to myself.


Now that that is out of the way, here we go... SONGS AT MY FUNERAL

1. Randy Describe Eternity by Built to Spill
Puts a little perspective on things maybe... plus it's a great song.

2. In-a-Gadda-Da-Vida by Iron Butterfly
Come on... you know why.

3. Wish You Were Here by Pink Floyd
This is as sentimental as I'll get for this list.

4. Simply the Best by Tina Turner
Cuz it's my funeral and none of you assholes are going to argue with a dead guy.

and we'll end with...
5. The Devil's Chasin' Me by The Reverend Horton Heat
This one is pretty self explanatory as well.
