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The Written Word

I apologize for the horrible unhilariousness of the following post...

So I'm on this reading kick lately. I don't know if it's because the weather is turning crappy and going outside becomes less pleasant, or maybe it's due to my recent discussions about subjects that interest me (thanks Chris) or perhaps it's those ancient Chinese "smartener" pills I've been taking.

Either way, I've got my work cut out for me. I got four new books that I plan on starting (three of which came just today).

1.The Selfish Gene - Richard Dawkins

2.The God Delusion - Richard Dawkins

3.Why Darwin Matters - Michael Shermer

4. Why I am Not a Christian - Bertrand Russell

I've already started the Russell one but it is a series of essays and articles so it will be easy to go away from it and come back later.

I've also recently finished Why People Believe Weird Things by Michael Shermer. Shermer is a great figure in the skeptical and scientific community and a decent writer. I was a bit disappointed by the book though. It started with a good section on "How Thinking Goes Wrong" but then moves away from WHY people believe weird things and into WHAT weird things people believe and how they are wrong. It was a very broad subject and he wasn't able to go very deep into each of the "weird things" that he covered (alien encounters, Ayn Rand objectivism, creationism, holocaust deniers etc.)

Has anyone read any of these? Any thoughts? Which should I start with? What other books might be good to read (Chris, if you say the bible I'm gonna throw a hacky sack at you.) I'd be more than willing to loan one or more out and discuss them when each of us is done. Any takers... I'll need you to leave a major credit card to cover the cost of the lost book... and a couple lunches for me.

My dad knows Michael Shermer...he just interviewed him for a Documentary he's doing. You skeptics are EVERYWHERE!

Just a bunch of opinions. Why would Russell write a book about why he is not a Christian? Who really cares?
As far as evolution goes, yes I agree with most of it, but I am left to wonder what difference is it going to make? No one has died and come back to tell what it is like unless you believe in the resurrection of Jesus so I really don't care what these talking heads have to say.
I suggest you read "A River Never Sleeps" or "The River Why" to gain real enlightenment.

I think you should read "Where the Sidewalk Ends". It's a real eye-opener...No, really good job for doing your own investigation.

CHRIS(t) - if our TV actually GOT UPN then I would be that person... i love me some hot pockets.

KARA - Have I met your dad? It's your DAD dad right? I dont think I have. He sounds alright in my book.

DAD - Bertrand Russell's book isn't an autobiography. It's just a bunch of essays about christianity. And who wants to read books about fly fishing.

SARA - I always liked "Light in the Attic" the best.

Yes I know Devon but why did he need to write a whole book about it? Modern Christianity is about as far removed from the biblical version as it can get. A look at what is going on in America is a perfect example. One would have to be blind to not see it and those who follow blindly the dogma of the Christian right cannot be reasoned with anyway.
"The River Why" and "A River Never Sleeps" are not books about flyfishing. David James Duncan is one of the best writers out there today.
Here is a parable by him on fundamentalism
"If you were basking in bright sunlight and hugely thankful for it, and a man a quarter-mile away suddenly shouted, 'Hey you! I can see the sun from over here! Stop what you're doing and come over where I am! Hurry! You've GOT to come here! I see the SUN! Come out of the darkness, sinner! Get over to where I am!' is there any reason to obey him? On the contrary, if you obey, you indulge the shouter's peace-shattering belief that the sun is so limited that it can only be seen from where he is standing, and you reinforce his false assumption that everyone but he is a fool living in darkness"

Good stuff huh?

You may have heard of Dawkins' famous letter to his daughter. Check this out.

I have read Why People Believe Weird Things and enjoyed it quite a bit. Since you do have a valid criticism, I will refrain from telling you that you have poor taste for the time being. As for recommendations, I just finished reading Prey by Michael Crichton which I enjoyed, but based on the fact that none of the books you mentioned are fiction, it might not be for you. I would recommend The Art of War by Sun Tzu and The Rape of Nanking by Iris Chang if you are looking for some good non-fiction.

Next on my list of books I want to read is The Time Machine Did It by John Swartzwelder. If you've read that or his other books, Double Wonderful and How I Conquered Your Planet, I'd be glad to hear if they are any good.

Based on what I know about you, the only other book I can think of that you would really enjoy is The Satanic Bible by Anton LaVey. I think it's right up your alley.

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