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Goodnight Sweet Prince

So the Cavvy is gone. Sold. It is just a sweet memory now. There will be no more toting the canoe across Washington into Boise, no more 3 hour drives down to Portland, no more running down hobos in the streets, the engine revving as I leave a trail of blood and tears in my wake.

No, the car will now provide that kind of happiness to some other lucky young man. I on the other hand, will be spending about $400 less per month for a car I never used (except for those uses listed above).

And so, we bid thee a fond farewell... may your air filter always be clean... may your tires remain inflated and grippy, and may you never miss when a homeless family of three crosses your path (the arrogant jerks that they are).


That brings a tear to my eye. I assume that $400 a month will now be going into the stock market where, with some prudent investing, you will in just a few short years be independently wealthy and retire. Either that or it will support a highly addictive Star Wars action figure habit.

Wow son! I didn't think that little scooter could haul your canoe...imagine that!

So Devon since you say "No more 3 hour trips to Portland" that means you are abandoning your elderly parents huh?

Scott - No, it's my beanie baby collection thats going to see me through into retirement.

Dad - ya, i'll just strap the skate board under the canoe and drag it around that way. And yes... it DOES mean I am abandoing my elderly parents. Let us never speak of them again.

Chris - I made sure they knew it was the cavalier without the "canoe upgrade." I just thought that made it look tough and rugged... which it is not.

I love that you buy a canoe and THEN sell your car.

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