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...regardless of whether or not you choose to believe it.

this is a really interesting video of Ken Miller, a biology professor at the university of colorado and devout catholic.

he talks about the inherent flaws with the intelligent design argument (including the bacterial flagellum motor and so-called "irreducible complexity") and some updates on the absolutely shameful attempt by creationists to insert non-science into science class rooms. next they'll be teaching the scientific merit of astrology.


--------------added subsequent to initial post.

Evolution is not without unknowns. SCIENCE is not without unknowns. That's what science is about. It is always changing with new evidence.

So why is it that evolution is being singled out in this case? Why aren't we talking about Einstein's theory of relativity having holes? And why are these attacks on evolution all coming from thinly veiled religious groups.

Christians see evolution as a direct threat to their creation story and therefore a direct threat to their religion. They can't see the two being able to exist at the same time because it's all or nothing to most of them. And it's from that frame of mind that they attack evolution. If one part may not work, the whole thing has to be thrown out.

That's just not how science works. Scientists are constantly re-evaluating evidence, testing hypotheses. Evolution is constantly being tested by a number of different areas of science and it just keeps holding up. Intelligent design collapses under the same scrutiny.

i am well aware of the discovery institute's claims on knowledge of evolution.

HERE is a little info on them.

the problem with creationists arguments is the logical falicy they always end up with.

there are gaps of knowledge in evolution, to be sure. creationists fill those gaps with "god did it." this is known as the "god of the gaps" argument (see #7 on the link.) This is simply not science.

anyone is perfectly welcome to believe whatever they want about the origin of our species. you are even welcome to send your kids to schools to teach them whatever you would like. if you want to believe "god did it" fine. if you think we were planted here by aliens, go for it. that doesn't make it true.

the fact remains, evolution is a prooven, solid theory (see it's definition pertaining to science.) the problem with intelligent design, is that it is mearly creationism with a more scientific name. creation is a religious concept, not a scientific one and therefore should not taught as science is our public (taxpayer funded) schools.

I can't see evolution and "intelligent design" coexisting at all. Where are the parallels? Don't get me wrong I very much agree with the evolution side of the argument but it does not jibe with the bible. Evangelicals will not allow it will they? Besides there is no middle ground at all like you said.
I am skeptical with some of Leakey's conclusions also but the foundation of what he is trying to say is pretty good stuff.
I would not call all of evolution 100% irrefutable though. That is talking in absolutes which is what the creationism proponents talk in.
I guess I have more questions than answers though.
Like why are some species relatively unchanged over millions of years?

Intelligent Design collapses under the weight of a fucking marshmallow.

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