Saturday, November 18, 2006

Now Spit!!!!

So today was dentist visit 3 or 4 in the last month and a half, and that sucks. I hadn't been in maybe 6 or 7 years, so there was a lot of catching up we had to do. But the main reason I had to go was that I broke off a chunk of tooth about a year and a half ago (pictured here with a dime for scale.) I hadn't seen anyone about it until it started hurting like a son-of-a-bitch and I could no longer enjoy the ice cream and salt water taffy which I love so dearly.

In the end, it was decided that I needed a root canal, which I had about two weeks ago. In case you hadn't heard, root canals rank somewhere between soccer ball to the groin and a 10 hour flight from L.A. to New York, sandwiched between a fat, sweaty man in lycra bicycle shorts and a pentecostal christian... upside down the entire way. And the in flight movie is "What's the Worst That Could Happen."

So that was taken care of and I thought I was done visiting the dentist for at least a few months (I had a last round of cleaning needed after the first of the year.) But then I get a call the other day, "Hi, Devon? This is Dr. Marr's office. Ya, so we fucked up that root canal and we need you to come back in so it can be fixed. Don't worry, we won't charge you for it, other than the hour of your life that will be forever lost. How's this Saturday? We'll call the the fat man and the pentecostal."

And to top this all off... THEY DIDN"T EVEN GIVE ME A PRESCRIPTION FOR ANY DECENT NARCOTICS! ONLY CODEINE! Codeine?! I can't wash down 4 of those with a shot of Jack Daniels and hope to accomplish anything! I can't even sell them for all that much to the crack heads that swarm in front of our house!

I'm writing a letter to my congresswoman!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

My confidence in the American public is somewhat restored... praise Zeus!

The Democrats have taken the House for the first time in 12 years. They will probably have the Senate as well (still waiting on the Virginia results of the Webb/Allen race). Rumsfeld is gone also. It would be hard to get any better than this.

This means the congress will now function the way it was meant to. "Oversight" will be the battle cry. NANCY PELOSI will be speaker of the house (first woman speaker in American history). JOHN CONYERS will probably be the head of the Judiciary committee. The Democrats now have the majority of the governorships.

Here is the Democrats chance to really show that they can do things better. America has obviously decided they don't much like the way Republicans have been running the government. The Democrats need to get something done though. If they do, we could see even more gains in two years. Yes I know, A LOT can happen before then but here is their chance to say "You didn't like the way things looked under the Conservatives, here's how WE do things."

Here's what I would like to see happen with the Democrats now in power:
1. Start funding the 911 commission recommendations.
2. Voting reform.
3. Subpoenas looking into the rational for war.
4. GET THE FUCK OUT OF IRAQ... if not now then very very soon.
5. Repeal the torture laws.
6. Stop phone wire tapping.
7. Universal health care anyone?

The Republicans left in congress are going to be in a tough spot. This election very clearly says that the American public is not real keen on this war anymore. Bush isn't going to change what he's doing, so they have to choose between going with their president, or going with the American public. If their track record is any indication, we know what they'll be doing.

They'll probably fight the Democrats every step of the way. They're not ALL gone... yet. That's to be expected, but THEY will now be the one's labeled as "obstructionists."



Shortly after posting this AP called Virginia for Webb.

Double Huzzah!!!!!
