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Songs at My Funeral - a chain letter dies

First, chain letters are a complete and utter waste of time...

That being said, he's is my contribution to one which I received. Let me start by saying a few things because my intense hatred for chain letters must be acknowledged before I am morally able to continue this post. I am only posting this for a few reasons.

1. Kara is a nag and forced me to.
2. It's a post about music.
3. It doesn't claim to have supernatural powers over my future financial or love life like most chain letters do.
4. I will not be forwarding this on to anyone.
5. This chain letter was originally called a meme, which is a horrible misuse of the word. Re posting this lets me point out when someone else is wrong and I enjoy that. (Don't judge me... you like pointing it out too)
6. No one reads my blog anyway, so I'm talking to myself.


Now that that is out of the way, here we go... SONGS AT MY FUNERAL

1. Randy Describe Eternity by Built to Spill
Puts a little perspective on things maybe... plus it's a great song.

2. In-a-Gadda-Da-Vida by Iron Butterfly
Come on... you know why.

3. Wish You Were Here by Pink Floyd
This is as sentimental as I'll get for this list.

4. Simply the Best by Tina Turner
Cuz it's my funeral and none of you assholes are going to argue with a dead guy.

and we'll end with...
5. The Devil's Chasin' Me by The Reverend Horton Heat
This one is pretty self explanatory as well.


Tina would roll over in her grave if she knew that she was played at YOUR funeral...and you know, if she was dead.

You crack me up.

I got your hookah. They call it a shashishi or something stupid like that. anyway, i don't know if you'll even like it, but it's gonna be a pain in the ass to bring back so you better at least pretend to.

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